1. What does integrity really mean to you? How do you know personally when you are displaying integrity?
To me integrity is being true to yourself. When I say being true that does me always just doing the things that you want to do. When you are TRUE to yourself you search deep within and find out what matters most and act according to those inner desires. Finding that self and being true to it will hopefully shine through in my actions.
For me to display integrity there are three things that must be in line with each other. They are: my mind, my heart, and God's will or commandments. If any of these things are not in line I can feel it inside. Sometimes I still act inappropriately but I know that something is right when they are all together. When they are all in line I can act with much more confidence no matter what other people around me have to say about it!
2. Choose one of the development suggestions, or your own, to work on this week. What did you choose? Why? How did it go?
The development section that I will work on this week is assertiveness. I always try to do what is right but sometimes I have a hard time doing that. It's hardest for me when I feel that keeping a promise will inconvenience someone else. I am going to work on this by being better at following up with my program directors. I want them to be successful but I also know that they have busy lives. I know that by being more diligent at following up with them they will feel more supported in their roles.
3. Think of someone you know who displays integrity regularly. What do they DO to demonstrate integrity? How does that impact you?
When I think of integrity the first person who comes to mind is President Monson. Many of the stories he shares in General Conference involve him receiving and following a prompting from the Holy Ghost. He shows integrity by living worthy of the Holy Ghost but even more importantly following through on those promptings. When he does that he is true to himself, God, and the responsibilities that he has.
President Monson's honesty and integrity impact me simply through his example. When I hear about him I want to be like him. I want to be better.
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